I know it has been, well...forever!! But back by popular demand...(and by popular demand, I mean three people), let's try this whole blog thing again!
Most of the time I post pictures on Facebook, but I'm told that just wasn't good enough (story of my life) :), so here it goes...
A lot has happened since I blogged last so we will just have to start with what's going on now.
The boys had "spirit week" last week at school. They were helping one of the local high schools raise money for The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
On Monday it was "Decade Day"
Cody chose the 60's look, while Cade decided to go back to the 50's
Tuesday was Valentine's Day, and after the boys woke up and saw what the Valentine Armadillo left them...
and ate their Valentine breakfast of heart shaped pancakes, tortillas, and ate cereal with pink milk...
...they took their Valentine's to school to hand out to all their friends.
That night for dinner, we enjoyed heart shaped meatloaf and pink mashed potatoes! Might look gross, but it was actually pretty good!

You can't forget my little "spud muffin"!
My three little Valentine's:
Wednesday was Wild West day. Please ignore the odd shaped hat, we don't usually dress up in cowboy attire, so our clothing is not up to cowboy standards I'm sure! But these boys are still pretty darn cute!

Thursday was the boys' favorite day of Spirit week, Nerd day!

My wonderful husband asked if I had anything they could borrow for this day! Jerk! He's not near as funny as he thinks he is...
Freaky Friday was fun for them as well, although Cody still has hair dye on his scalp!

Saturday was Cody's last basketball game of the season so we all went to CiCi's Pizza where Codeman received his trophy and medal!

We'll miss you basketball, but welcome baseball and Soccer...for both Cody and Cade!
Now, hopefully it wont take me too long to post pictures from our Mardi Gras celebrations!