Three special little boys got their first visit from the ice cream man this season!
And it's safe to say, they enjoyed it!
I mean, who doesn't enjoy a $3 ice cream that I can buy an entire box of cheaper at the grocery store??
It's worth it to see how excited they get when they hear the truck coming down our street, even if my wallet doesn't think so!

The ice cream man SUCKS!!! We have two different trucks that drive by taunting my trio. Once we explain that we can't get ice cream every time the truck comes by, another one makes his way through the neigborhood. Makes for some nice fits right before dinner.
And I think they should have a punch card system or something (buy 3 and mommy gets one free) for those of us who buy so many at a time!
Um, yeah! If I'm really, really lucky, I will hear the ice cream man first and get them inside before they do! But those days are far and few between! I'm down with the punch card system! At Baskin Robbins I can eat their left overs, but I'm not so down with finishing their ice cream from the ice cream man after they have licked and slobbered all over them! Mama needs her own!!!
Seriously...and those pink panthers look WAY better than they taste!
The gum balls for eyes are not a special treat! They turn to powder in your mouth...
I had no idea the ice cream truck was ripping kids off for $3 a pop these days - ouch! LOL cute pics, though...
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