Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Even though he didn't tell me he was nominated, even though he didn't tell me it was down to him and another teacher, and even though I had to find out from someone else, I'm still proud of T.J. for winning Teacher of the Year!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Cole
My little man turned TWO today! It's hard to believe he is so big. This is the first time that a child of mine has turned two without there being a new baby in the house already.
It's bittersweet, little guy. It's fun to watch you grow and learn new things, but I sure miss you being a baby. You can now carry on a conversation, you want to do everything on your own, you follow your older siblings around and do what they do, and you want things done your way and if not, we all hear about it! You are extremely sweet and you make us so happy!
Your actual birth day
One year
Two Year
Happy Birthday, Cole. We love you!
Party pics to come soon...
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 9:27 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 19, 2010
First Day of Kindergarten
I know I have lots of summer pictures to post, and I will...I promise. But today was Cody's first day of school. He was such a big boy and didn't even need me to walk him in. I know he went to the same school last year for Pre-k, but I was kind of hoping he still needed me, just a little, this year...he didn't :(
He is growing up way too fast:
First day of Kindergarten
First day of Pre-K
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Turner Falls 2010
Holy cow, Batman...blogger actually let me upload some pictures...
Our annual Turner Falls trip was awesome as usual, but we also got to stay the whole weekend with my sister and her family. We usually only go down for the Turner Falls part, but this time we decided to crash her in-laws reunion! Something we might have to do every year now!
The weather was perfect, the water was pretty, and to say the kids had a blast would be an understatement.
Coley man!
Cody swimming all by himself
Cade became a pro with his floaty ring
Watch out, Aunt Chandler is serious when it comes to her water shooter!
Cole trying to cool himself off
McKinly and Cody floating down the river to the Blue Hole
Aunt Chandler, Coley and Aunt Leslie
Cody a little apprehensive about jumping of the diving board
but he did it!!!
Ty flipping off the diving board

After they worked up an appetite at the Blue Hole, we headed back to where the watermelon was...
Cade taking his time eating his piece

Cody enjoyed bigger bites...

Cole was not a shy eater when it came to his watermelon. He did not even come up for a breather...
Sweet Meghan

Is my tongue red?

After Turner Falls, we headed down to Gainsville where the Reunion was held.
McKinly and Ty working on their crafts
Ty sporting a mohawk in the pool

The kids had a blast and loved getting to stay in the hotel. You walked out our door and the pool was right there. Next year my sister wont be able to make the reunion because she'll be in Europe (poor girl), however we're still thinking of crashing the reunion anyway. We can consider ourselves part of their family, right?
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 8:18 PM 0 comments
I am done trying to upload pictures on here. It still is only letting me do one or two at a time. It takes way too long. I am trying to figure something else out. Until then, there are a lot of pictures up on facebook if you're on there. I will try and figure something out as soon as possible.
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
I hate blogger!
I have a love/hate relationship with Blogger. Right now, we're not on the best of terms. It is not letting me upload pictures. I have a whole post typed up and ready to go, but it's not near as entertaining without pictures of my adorable children.
Blogger thinks I have the time to sit here and upload ONE picture at a time. Do you know how many pictures I need to upload right now? ONE at a time is NOT going to cut it.
So until I figure it out, here is a fun picture we took last night at the pool.
More pictures to come. I hope...
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 2:54 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 04, 2010
Horse Riding Fun
My boys aren't country boys, there's no surprise there. After this weekend though, I think they want to be!
Cade loved riding the horses. He was a little nervous at first when Uncle Carl put him on the horse behind him...
but once he was on by himself, he enjoyed it a lot more...especially because grandpa was leading the way.
Cade and Mommy riding Buddy
Close up

Cole was deathly afraid of the horses and screamed any time they came near. So, he was happy just hanging out on the porch.
We did have a little scare though. Grandma Kathie got on Buddy to ride him and put Cade on the saddle in front of her. For some reason, the reins were messed up and when Kathie tried to get the horse to turn, he thought she wanted him to back up. She tried to correct him, but the horse got a little more confused. He ended up hitting his let really hard on the BBQ grill that was behind him, which scared him so he bucked up...knocking Grandma Kathie and Cade off the horse. Uncle Carl did an awesome ninja roll toward them in order to knock Buddy out of the way.
It was scary while it was happening, but everyone is alright. Kathie (my step-mom) ended up breaking her finger and had to have surgery yesterday to have some pins put in. Other than that, they are all fine.
We did make Cade get right up on another horse while Uncle Carl calmed Buddy down. It wasn't the horse's fault. It was actually ours (possibly mine since I was the last one off the horse, but let's not spread that around too much).
Cade was a little hesitant but after we assured him Littlebit wouldn't go fast like Buddy, he was fine!
Cade and MaKenna on Littlebit
See?? All better now! We knew if he didn't get right back up, he would be afraid of horses from now on...

After the scare, Grandma Kathie took everyone to Dairy Queen for some ice cream.
Cade enjoyed telling everyone about how he "fell off da horsey because Buddy was jus too fast"
Uncle Claydough had an allergic reaction to the horses. His eyes were all swollen until his Benadryl kicked in.
That night we drove and met my mom for Dinner at Chili's.
Aunt Chandler, Cole, and Chelsi
Cole sportin' some shades
Later that night, Uncle Claydough decided to try on Chelsi's cheer uniform. He claims he was forced...he doesn't look too forced to me!
The next morning, before we left to head back home, Cade made a friend with a furry caterpillar!

Chelsi came back home with us and we will have to take her back...eventually! That just means more fun out in the country! Hopefully not as much drama with the horses this time!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 9:12 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Another Texas Trip
Since TJ got to go to Chicago with McKinly and Cody, I decided to take Cade and Cole south for the weekend to go stay with my brother out in the country.
Fishing, horses, mud, cousins who drive them around on the Gator...heaven to a little boy! Wait, who am I kidding, I was more excited for all that than they were. What can I say, I'm still 5 at heart!
Oh, and Uncle Claydough, Grandma and Grandpa drove up and and stayed the weekend with us too!
As soon as we got there, Uncle Claydough and Chelsi took Cade fishing! My little man was very excited!
Um, I'm waiting...can we go already?
He's figuring it all out
The fish weren't biting as fast as he wanted them to, so he decided to chill on the dock
I love this picture. I think he was talking to Uncle Claydough about something...

Uncle Claydough and Cade on the Gator about to head back from fishing
Cade and MaKenna
That night, Grandpa got out his guitar and started playing...
So Cade decided he needed to join in as well
Taking a little break from playing to roast his marshmallow for some s'mores
Coley enjoying his S'more
Loungin' with Uncle Carl
Brian showed up with his Pony and Cade fell in love...just your size, buddy!

The best part of the night though was when Aunt Pammie drove up to see us!! Too bad she wouldn't take a picture with any of us :(
Next up...Day Two and our horse riding adventure...
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 3:31 PM 3 comments
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