My boys aren't country boys, there's no surprise there. After this weekend though, I think they want to be!
Cade loved riding the horses. He was a little nervous at first when Uncle Carl put him on the horse behind him...
but once he was on by himself, he enjoyed it a lot more...especially because grandpa was leading the way.

Cade and Mommy riding Buddy

Close up

Cole was deathly afraid of the horses and screamed any time they came near. So, he was happy just hanging out on the porch.

We did have a little scare though. Grandma Kathie got on Buddy to ride him and put Cade on the saddle in front of her. For some reason, the reins were messed up and when Kathie tried to get the horse to turn, he thought she wanted him to back up. She tried to correct him, but the horse got a little more confused. He ended up hitting his let really hard on the BBQ grill that was behind him, which scared him so he bucked up...knocking Grandma Kathie and Cade off the horse. Uncle Carl did an awesome ninja roll toward them in order to knock Buddy out of the way.
It was scary while it was happening, but everyone is alright. Kathie (my step-mom) ended up breaking her finger and had to have surgery yesterday to have some pins put in. Other than that, they are all fine.
We did make Cade get right up on another horse while Uncle Carl calmed Buddy down. It wasn't the horse's fault. It was actually ours (possibly mine since I was the last one off the horse, but let's not spread that around too much).
Cade was a little hesitant but after we assured him Littlebit wouldn't go fast like Buddy, he was fine!
Cade and MaKenna on Littlebit

See?? All better now! We knew if he didn't get right back up, he would be afraid of horses from now on...

After the scare, Grandma Kathie took everyone to Dairy Queen for some ice cream.

Cade enjoyed telling everyone about how he "fell off da horsey because Buddy was jus too fast"

Uncle Claydough had an allergic reaction to the horses. His eyes were all swollen until his Benadryl kicked in.

That night we drove and met my mom for Dinner at Chili's.
Aunt Chandler, Cole, and Chelsi

Cole sportin' some shades

Later that night, Uncle Claydough decided to try on Chelsi's cheer uniform. He claims he was forced...he doesn't look too forced to me!

The next morning, before we left to head back home, Cade made a friend with a furry caterpillar!

Chelsi came back home with us and we will have to take her back...eventually! That just means more fun out in the country! Hopefully not as much drama with the horses this time!