I finally convinced T.J. that Cade needed a haircut. When his hair started getting long enough to pull behind his ears, I figured it was about time. Don't get me wrong, some kids look really cute with long hair, Cade just isn't one of them. His hair is a little too wild to do that with.
He looks too grown up now :(
Now, if only we could just get rid of the Binky!
Cade isn't the only one growing up around here. Cole has now cut three teeth. Cody and Cade didn't cut their first tooth until they were closer to eight months. Cole has two on the bottom and his top, left one broke through a few days ago.
Here are the two on the bottom, I don't have a picture of the top one yet

I can't believe he'll be six months in just 9 days!

Cody is still really sick. He has been sick for over a month now. It's not the same thing. He has seemed to catch whatever has blown his way. Poor little guy. He is just miserable, his face is chapped, he doesn't eat much, and he's cranky...but who wouldn't be? I know this is sad to say, but if any of my kids have to be sick, I would chose it to be Cody. Besides being a little cranky, he actually handles sick really well.
Cade tried to make his brother feel better. Cody was running a 103.4 fever at the time this picture was taken so he wasn't too impressed by his little brother's kindness!

We are starting a new antibiotic today so hopefully this one will help, the last one didn't do anything for my little man!
If you watched the news last night, you probably heard about the twister that came through Oklahoma. If you paid closer attention, you probably were the ones who called when you found out it came right through our town. We were not harmed in anyway. We lost power for a little while and we definitely saw the tornado start to form right outside our house, but it didn't touch down until it was further north. Only about five miles north though. I was a little nervous because when it touched down because it wasn't far from McKinly and Ty's school...where they were still at! All schools were on lockdown so I couldn't have gone to pick them up even if I had wanted to.
If you watch
3, you will hear them say it touches down right by Cheyenne Middle School...that is the school McKinly will go to next year. It was that close!
Even though we were safe, we can't say that about some of our friends. When the tornado touched down, it was on the ground for a good fifteen minutes and it decided to go right through their neighborhood. If you see coverage of the tornado that touched down in Edmond, you will most likely see their street. They show houses that were completely leveled. Luckily, they only have minor damage compared to the few houses just down the street from them.
Hopefully we won't be getting any more tornados any time soon!