We arrived Saturday evening in time to eat dinner with Nana, Aunt Chandler, Aunt Leslie, Shelby, Andrew, Meghan, and later Uncle Jonathan. (They all were excited to see the boys, I don't think it had anything to do with me!) After we ate dinner, Nana lit a fire in the fire pit so the kids could make s'mores.

Ty chowing down on his S'more

After a little while, Ty, Cody, Chandler, Chelsi, and I headed over to pick up Uncle Clay and go to Cody and Ty's first MLB game! Naturally, I chose their first game to be an Astros game. Ty wasn't as impressed with the game as he was with being able to sit with Uncle Clay (who is only 9) in their own seats. (I was close by and could watch them the whole time but they felt big). Cody LOVED the game and sat through the whole 10 innings.
Cody wearing his new Astros hat
The only picture I have with both Ty and Cody. It's not a good one of Cody because he blinked

On Monday, we took Ty and Grandma Sandy to the airport to see them off to Disney World. We then headed to Uncle Clay's baseball game. I wish I would have brought my camera to that because Cody had a blast. Cade didn't go with us to Uncle Clay's baseball game because he was with his Aunt Pammy. She kept him so we didn't have to take him in the heat with all the mosquitoes. I know he had fun because I'm sure he was super spoiled.
Aunt Leslie and Cody
Uncle Brent, Cade, and Andrew (Uncle Brent was trying to sleep)
Aunt Pammy and Cody playing. Aunt Pammy was the only one who would play puppy dogs with Cody. He thought she was pretty cool.
We went to see Tasha and Curt's new place Tuesday night and we had a great time. Cody loved playing the Maverick and Savannah (their dogs). I forgot my camera again on this little outing and so I'll have to post these pictures when Tasha sends them to me. Once again, sorry.
Finally, today we ended up having another busy day. Cody went to the Children's Museum in the Mall with Jillian, her mom, and her nephew. He had such a great time digging for dinosaur bones, brushing BIG teeth, shopping, and playing with all the cool stuff. I wasn't with them on this trip so I don't know exactly what they got to do but Cody was VERY excited all night.
After Cody got back from the Museum, we headed to Auntie Tracy and Uncle Mikey's for dinner. Before dinner we went to the pool to work up the kids appetites.

Hanging out in the shallow end

That's all we have so far but we still have 5 days left. We're having a great time but you can tell the boys are extra tired. They're not used to all the attention. They are having so much fun though, I wish we could visit here more often.
I've had so much fun with you guys. I wish the visit would never end!!!!
WOW....what FUN you are all having...We can't wait to see the rest of the pictures! We love and miss all of you. Tuesday can't get here quick enough...Have a safe drive back to Oklahoma.
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